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Thursday 21 November 2019


It's not just the birds in my garden which like my homemade fat balls, the squirrels like them too.  As I couldn't find the fat ball holder (I only put them out in very cold weather) the other day, I placed three on top of a pot and noticed this morning that they had all gone. Shortly afterwards, I saw a small squirrel on top of the fence eating one. The squirrel was immediately joined by a magpie. Now, I expected the magpie to attack the fat ball and/or the squirrel but, no, the squirrel was having none of it. I think if there had been two magpies, it might have been a different story; they don't seem to voracious on their own.

Squirrel eating fat ball put out for birds

Squirrel eating fat ball for birds - Magpie thinks it's good to share

Squirrel moving fat ball so it can eat in peace

Squirrel - alone at last with fat ball

I wish I could have got it all on video but you know how it is, they would have gone before I got the chance.