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Wednesday 20 November 2019


Well, wow, this RSPB bronze-coloured bird bath was a lot bigger than I imagined, even though I did think I had read the small print when ordering it online. That's not a complaint, mind you. I am pleased with how it looks and if it were stronger (like made of tungsten steel) I might have taken a bath in it myself when the weather gets warmer. According to the RSPB birds need water (external link) all year round, to drink and to wash their feathers. I live near a fairly large expanse of water but I want the birds that visit my garden to be able to eat, drink, and bathe here.  They are such a pleasure to watch.

RSPB bronze-coloured resin bird bath

The bird bath is a self-assembly job and comes in four parts: the bowl, two parts for the pole, and the base. They all screw together very easily. I am wondering if it will survive if the big, fat, gormless wood pigeons (bless 'em) arrive and land on it. I can hear them landing on the garden room roof (which is fibre-glassed) sometimes and I wonder if they are wearing jackboots. The bird bath is relatively lightweight and anything that has any weight landing on it or leaping on it (like Alfie, my Ragdoll cat), is likely to tip it over or, worse, break it.  Today is the first day of the bird bath in my garden so time will tell.

Had to laugh—my garden is on a slight slope and I hadn't thought about it. I needed to put the bird bath on a quite level surface because of the water (obviously!) and one where I could peg it down (the bird bath comes with three pegs which are really too fine and a bit on the short side). Note: You can actually fill the hollow pole with gravel or sand but I don't have any available so I've made do with rocks on the base.

Some people have complained that the RSPB bird bath leaks but unless this is a new design, I cannot see how right now.  Someone on Amazon UK has shown a picture of theirs and how they have added a solar fountain in the bowl, and it looks really effective (at least, I guess it will be when there is some sun!). 

RSPB bronze-coloured resin bird bath

Wood pigeon picking up scraps of sunflower seeds