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Friday 22 November 2019


There isn't much to tell you about my garden now that winter is approaching. We've had a tremendous amount of rain here, high on the Pennines of West Yorkshire, and a little ground frost, but no snow as yet. The garden is being left as it is, a jungle, and I'll leave nature to itself as I pretty much do all year round. As I have a balance disability, I do the least amount of gardening (I've had a no-dig policy for many years - no raking, no digging, no hoeing, etc) that I can get away with while having a fairly nice place to sit in warmer months. Today goldfinches arrived in great numbers and a solitary squirrel. Yesterday I saw a squirrel drinking out of the new bird bath as well as a squirrel eating a homemade fat ball. They are such a joy to watch.

Goldfinches having afternoon tea!

You can see the garden looks a total mess, but it is a place for insects to hide, birds and squirrels to feed, and although I read that earthworms were on the decline, I have plenty in my soil and they do all the aerating and turning that my garden needs. It's its own little eco-system out there. Wild Eve rose is still flowering, by the way.

I don't know what all that noise is in the video background. There's a ticking clock but otherwise it must be the sound from the Canon EOS 6D. I was taking the video from inside my home, looking through the window. Sounds like an engine running! Sorry.  Rubbish video too. I know.

'Grey squirrel' with very red coat - August 2019