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Friday 20 September 2019


I've just posted about Polystichum polyblepharum which I bought the other day along with Polystichum setiferum 'Proliferum'.  The latter fern cost twice the price of the other. It is quite beautiful as the fronds are very soft and lacy in appearance.

Polystichum setiferum 'Proliferum'

The label shows that Polystichum setiferum 'Proliferum' enjoys partial shade, achieves a height of 70cm (2ft4in) is hardy down to -15, and is evergreen. More than 10,000 varieties of fern are found all over the word. Ferns reproduce by spors. They filter polluted air and produce pure oxygen.  This plant should no be placed in full sun but should receive much light indirectly. Water sufficiently to keep the soil moist.

What more could I want.  It will go against the house wall, in a container, facing kind of east, so it will get full morning sun and then shade from noon onwards.