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Sunday 22 September 2019


One plant that I love to put in hanging baskets is bacopa. It can be quite pricey but it doesn't half work hard for the money.  Gulliver Dynamic White is not the bacopa with tiny flowers, this one has  flowers about 2.5cm (1in) in diameter with deep yellow eyes.  What I like, apart from a bacopa's appearance, is that I don't have to deadhead the flowers, they just wither away when finished. The plants just keep on flowering right through until the frost kills them off.

Bacopa -  Gulliver Dynamic White

The label says that Gulliver Dynamic White is an excellent trailing plant with strong green foliage, perfect for hanging baskets, window boxes and containers.  It trails to 30cm (1ft), and should be planted 20cm (8in) apart in any well drained soil in full sun or partial shade [mine are in partial shade].  They should be fed weekly when in flower and protected from frost.

Bees and other pollinating insects love them, but I am talking about bacopas with single flowers.  The double flowering types of bacopas are pretty but no good for pollinators.  I prefer to grow flowers which attract pollinating insects.

Bacopa - Double Ballerina Snowball  (summer 2017)

My bacopa plants are grown as annuals (here in West Yorkshire, UK) but I understand they can be considered perennial in warm climates.