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Sunday 22 September 2019


There's no doubt about it, the Southern Belles fuchsia, Cecile, is a show off.  It has big, fat, heavy flowers opening from big, fat buds.  I've planted this fuchsia in four hanging baskets this year and although it's not as floriferous as 'Jack Shahan', which I have also planted (will post about it next), the heavy flowers really stand out.  Fabulous.

Fuchsia Southern Belle 'Cecile'

The label says that the fuchsia 'Cecile' grows in partial shade, and achieves a trailing length of 30-45cm (12-18in). It provides a delightful succession of charming double flowers throughout summer to autumn.  It is suitable for hanging baskets, patio tubs and window boxes, preferably in dapple shade.  Spray flowers occasionally to raise humidity.  

My hanging baskets are on an east facing wall and get morning sun and shade after that.  Fuchsias grow very well in that situation.  Although the flowers of Cecile are double, pollinating insects can easily access the pollen, as you can see.  It needs dead-heading to keep the flowers coming.