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Sunday 22 September 2019


The fuchsia, Jack Shahan, is definitely one I will grow again.  The flowers are not massive but mine - I have one planted in each of four hanging baskets - are blooming by the hundreds.  The baskets are dripping with them and even outshine the showy Cecile double-flower trailing fuchsia.  Since taking the below photograph, there are easily twice as many flowers on display right now.  They just keep on coming!

Fuchsia 'Jack Shahan'

The label says that the fuchsia Jack Shahan needs sun to partial shade.  It has single flowers with a rose corolla and pale rose sepals with green tips. It can be planted in hanging baskets, patio tubs and windows boxes, preferably in dappled shade

Mine grow on an east-facing wall in partial shade (morning sun, afternoon shade).  Be aware, the flowers should be dead-headed to encourage prolonged blooming.  The flowers attract lots of pollinators, like bees and those delightful garden good-guys, little hoverflies

More information about the fuchsia Jack Shahan can be found here at the Royal Horticultural Society website.