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Thursday, 13 June 2019


You don't get freesias like these at the supermarket.  Freesia 'White River' is super showy.  It grows outdoors and is frost tolerant down to -5C.  I found mine at a local garden centre the other day and it was a had-to- have.  As I live on the Pennines of West Yorkshire, I plan to protect it in winter.

Freesia 'White River'

The label says: These 'River' varieties have been bred to flower outdoors during summer n mixed borders or larger containers and they make a great cut flower too for indoor use.  Hardy and perennial in many areas of the UK down to about -5C. Height 60cm (24in) Spread 40cm (16in)  Position Sunny in fertile, well-drained soil or potting compost.

Freesia 'White River'

The planting instructions are: Water well before planting and let the plant drain,  Prepare the planting area and enrich with planting compost and general fertilizer.  Carefully remove pot and plant in the prepared hole (same depth aspot).  Gently firm the soil around the plant and water in well.  Water regularly in dry spells.  Remove faded flowering stems which will encourage further blooming then cut down all stems in winter.  Top dress with a little general fertilizer and compost every spring. In a windy position the flowering stems might need some support.

Freesia 'White River'

The problem I have with these planting instructions is that I believe that the ones I bought were planted not deeply enough.  They came with a supporting frame which is only of use really if you replant the freesias in a pot with the same circumference.  I have repotted them in a larger pot and I've placed the frame over the plants and it is resting on the compost surface.  I think the reason the plants are falling over is because they have been, as mentioned, planted too shallowly.  I plan to add more compost and stake them better. 

Freesia 'White River'

Freesia 'White River' up close