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Thursday, 13 June 2019


It's miserable out there.  It's rained all week here in West Yorkshire, in fact much of the UK, and I cannot help but think we had better weather during the third week of February when we had that unprecedented heatwave for a week!  Still, Storm Hector hit in June 2018, right about this time, so I shouldn't complain.  Not yet anyway; who knows what next is on the meteorological cards.  What makes me most miserable is that, after waiting all year for the flowers to bloom in my garden, the rain is wrecking them. 

Red / cerese pelargonium

One thing that is looking mighty good though is a much loved red pelargonium (actually, it's more cerese, a colour that neither my iPhone 5s nor Canon EOS 6D can quite capture). I have placed the plant inside the garden room, for now.  Got to pay it respect; it's the mother of this year's tray of recently (April) propagated pelargonium plants.  They'll be planted into containers very soon. Usually I would have them all outdoors but this constant rain is just not good as it's like overwatering your plants for a week.  The hanging baskets are saturated, despite drainage holes, and they weigh a ton!  I'm expecting them to pull the brackets off the outside wall sometime soon. 

Red / cerese pelargonium