It's been a while since I had a Bullfinch visit my garden. Today I saw one perched high on the bird feeding station and went to grab my big camera, the Canon EOS 6D. I know using that full frame camera that even if I get a distant shot of a small bird, it could still turn out well when the photo is heavily cropped - and that was the case today. Sadly, just as I clicked off one photo, my neighbour started yelling for her cat and the Bullfinch flew away. Got it, just (bit blurred, sorry) in flight and it showed just how grey Bullfinches are on their backs. Often confused with chaffinches, chaffinches don't have the very black head, are not as red, and have mostly brown on their backs.
Male Bullfinch on bird feeding station |
More info on
Bullfinch vs Chaffinch (internal link)
Bullfinch making an escape |
There was also a female bullfinch close by but that one flew off as soon as it saw me with a camera. Clearly male bullfinches are not quite so sharp witted! :)
Male Chaffinch 2014 (sorry about quality of image) |