It's a snowy and bitterly cold Sunday out there today with giant icicles hanging from the gutters. We've had slightly more snow overnight here on the Pennines of West Yorkshire and it's that heavy stuff that crunches when you walk on it. I know, I walked as far as the dustbin! I think the central heating came on in the night and gave me a bit of a headache, so I got up early and looked out of the window. It was a bit of a whiteout with visibility very low. Although usually I can see for miles across the Pennines from where I live, I could only see as far as the trees across the road today. Out of the back window, I was delighted to see two squirrels in my garden, and to be able to catch them on camera. It was interesting to note one going after the remains of the rosehips on the climbing roses (Wild Eve and New Dawn). I must remember not to dead head roses at the end of the season so that they create hips for wildlife over winter. I think birds like them too. One of the squirrels went after the fat balls which had I suspended from the bird feeding station.
Grey squirrel attracted to rosehips - 4 March 2018 |
The squirrels are small and look quite young. They kept their distance from each other but showed no hostility, no threats. It's good to see them tucking in as it will help them to keep warm.
Grey squirrel eating from fat balls - 4 March 2018 |
Fat belly grey squirrel eating fat balls - 4 March 2018 |
They say it's good to share, but it would seem that one squirrel hasn't caught onto that concept yet. See one little black eye keeping a sideways watch over the intruder. There's plenty to go around.
Grey squirrel eating while another looks on - 04 March 2018 |
A foggy and snowy winter morning - 4 March 2018 |