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Sunday, 4 March 2018


I just finished posting my last item and it started to snow again.  A friend says she has to take her husband to the airport on Tuesday.  Not sure whether she meant Manchester or Leeds/Bradford airport.  She might be lucky.  I am hoping to get a shopping delivery on Tuesday, if there's anything left in the shops by then.  People have been stocking up as the bad weather persists, and while poor transport drivers (they don't get enough credit) have struggled in appalling conditions to get through treacherous snow and ice to supply supermarkets and other shops, not always successfully, shelves have been badly depleted.  The odds of me getting further than the bird feeding station and the dustbin are zero to nil.  Won't do it.  Not in this.  Anyhow, as soon as I posted about the squirrels and the rosehips, along came two lovely lovey doves: Collared Doves.  I've not seen them for quite a while and we have quite a number of pairs around here.   They look so adorable huddled together at the top of the bird feeding station while all around the snow came down.  They are always in pairs although I'm not sure if they are mates for life. 

Collared Doves cuddling up against the cold.  See the sparrows too?  Three I think. 4 March 2018

I don't know why such wintery weather comes as a shock to citizens of the United Kingdom.  It's not like we have the reputation of having glorious weather all year around.  They must laugh at us in Canada and, let's face it, the likes of New York. 

Collared Dove on a snowy bird feeding station  - 4 March 2018

I wanted to get better pictures of the Collared Doves but, as soon as I opened the door to try and get some good shots instead of through the kitchen window, off they flew, up into the neighbouring trees.  You'd think by now, after feeding birds for years and years, that they would twig on that I am not their enemy.  Still, I think it's a good thing that wildlife stays wild and well away from the likes of humans. 

Pretty birds all in a row - 4 March 2018

Speaking about giving transport drivers credit, many of you will have seen this YouTube clip, which has gone viral, about a blonde female bus driver managing to avoid her double-decker bus colliding with a car which slid across its path in the road.  (Go girls!)  The video was taken with a car cam in a vehicle coming in the opposite direction.  Listen to the cam car driver panicking.  That happened to me once, almost wiped out by a skidding coach, but that's another story.

Check it out: