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Sunday, 18 March 2018


I filled those bird-feeders yesterday, and the fat balls filled the containers they are in, but already local wildlife is emptying them.  It's not just the squirrels which are hungry, but the birds are pretty hungry too.  The sunflower seeds are full of energy, as are the fat balls which I make.  Making fat balls is a bit of a messy job but they love them.  It's no surprise that they prefer them to those cheap dried up things that look like compacted sawdust.  I say if you are going to feed them, feed them something which is good for them. 

Wild birds dining out in my garden on a snowy March day, 2018

Look how red the thrushes feet are.  Mine would look like that too if I were out in this weather barefooted!!

I love to see photographs of birds in flight.  If only I were a better photographer...   However, I am taking the photos from indoors with my full frame Canon EOS6D, through murky glass, so that I don't scare off the birds -  and then the images are heavily cropped.  I am glad the birds are nervous.  I have a Ragdoll cat, Alfie, and although he doesn't seem to do more than watch them, it's good that birds stay wary.  In fact, all wild animals should stay wary, particularly of humans, don't you think?

Wild birds dining out in my garden on a snowy March day, 2018

Wild birds dining out in my garden on a snowy March day, 2018