I had a shopping delivery to my home the other day and I was telling the guy how hungry the squirrels and birds are in this cold weather. I said I was surprised at how people went out of their way to ensure that squirrels could not take food put out for the birds, but he disagreed. I get that. I am always willing to agree to disagree, but he said that the squirrels cause damage. I asked how. He said that they spill the bird seed. Oh, for crying out loud. How I kept my patience. They spill seeds from my bird feeders too, and that, in turn, provides seeds for those birds who prefer to eat from the ground. It's a happy happy circle. What's wrong with people? How are they able to decide what animal should fill their little starving bellies or not? Of course, the wildlife message has gone around now in my area that there is always 'free jocking' at my place.
Grey squirrel with a cute face and handful of food. March 2018 |
The squirrel has seen me at the kitchen window, taking photos. It looks as though it might be thinking 'What?'
Grey squirrel. |
Grey squirrel having a quick safety check before getting back to the feeder - March 2018 |
I find squirrels a delight to watch. They are so acrobatic. Check the pink underneath of its paws and the long nails, perfect for holding on, although much of the holding on and balancing when upside down is often down to the tail.
Grey squirrel holding on tight to the bird feeding station - March 2018 |
And it's off...
Squirrel easily gripping onto an icy metal pole - March 2018 |