As mentioned in an earlier post, it's a snowy day today. Actually, it's a snowy week and it hasn't finished yet. While I never venture out in such weather, it's lovely to be able to look out of my kitchen window and watch birds of many varieties, all eating at my expense. They're welcome. Anyone remember the film
Mary Poppins where Julie Andrews sings "Feed the birds, tuppence a bag". Well, more like three or four hundred pence a small bag nowadays but at least I save a little by making
fatballs. Looking out of the window just a few minutes ago, I saw what must have been more than two dozen birds of several different kinds all feasting together. Of course, there is always the pushy pig, isn't there? A Wood Pigeon had turned its neck at 180 degrees and was keeping a careful eye or two on a raven which was all too close.
Magpie on the lookout while Thrushes feed on fatballs |
It's always interesting how birds favour different eating styles. I mean, the ground feeders and those who like to feed from on high. I think the high feeders are the smart ones considering cats and all that. The tiny birds come and go so fast, it's hard to catch them on camera sometimes.
Barnaby, my neighbour's cat, on top of the garden shed in summer. |
Barnaby, my neighbour's cat (above) has taken to watching for birds from atop my garden shed. Barnaby is such a sweet cat. My neighbour adopted him when his original owner died and the vet has said that he is about 14 years old. He doesn't act it, but he only has two teeth and looks like a vampire when he yowls. :D He also has the sweetest meow. My cat, Alfie, just ignores him.