Early last summer I had a garden room built in my small garden and it has become my little haven, my Utopia, a place to read, and snooze. You wouldn't think that such a small space (about 9 x 7ft) would be anything special, but it is. The light in there is bright and lovely and it only takes a bit of sunshine through that one wall of glass to warm it up. There's no heating installed. The glass in the double-glazing is special; it filters out harmful sun rays and stops fading and sun damage to what's in there (hopefully, that includes protecting me too). I don't want plants in there, at least not in winter, as I am trying to keep it a dry and damp-free space. But I love plants and I love cut flowers too, so I did the next best thing and bought some cheery artificial ones which I put in that sugary-glass vase. I know many people aren't fond of artificial flowers but the makers of them are getting really good at it nowadays and sometimes, when out and about, I have to touch a plant to see if it is real or not. And even then I am not always sure. Anyway, I hope you like them.
Artificial flowers in sunny garden room |
Artificial gerberas, chrysanthemums, freesias, ranunculas, and also artificial eucalyptus gunnii leaves. I wasn't too keen on the dried hydrangeas that I had in the vase; they seemed like a good idea at the time. And the white fleece, what's under there? Under the fleece are my begonia tubers which I am hoping will survive winter.
Artificial flowers in sunny garden room. |