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Friday, 15 May 2015


It's been another sunny day today, albeit a little chilly and I still have to watch out for night-time frost.  That means that I am still protecting the plants (begonias, fuchsias, and pelargoniums) that I have waiting to plant in the troughs and hanging baskets.  I can hardly wait to see them in full flower in a month or so.  Meanwhile, I'm glad to see that some of the hardier perennial plants are starting to flower.  I have always liked aquilegias with their pixie-hat shaped flowers and lovely leaves.  They are a good plant to have in a border and they happily self-seed without being invasive.  They even seem to transplant quite well with a little care.  Mine grow in a partially shaded border and in full sun. 

Aquilegia flower

Aquilegias in a sunny border

White aquilegia with buds after rain

White aquilegia flower with rain drops

Purple aquilegia floweres just starting to open