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Wednesday 29 April 2015


Although I don't grow much in the way of vegetables in my garden, I do have raspberries, strawberries, loganberries, and cherries.  At the moment I have four Wisley Magic runner beans growing individually in pots inside my house, ready for planting out in a week or two.  I've also got my two tumbling tomato plants which I mentioned in an earlier post.  These are all lovely when they come into fruition but I would hate to be without the herbs which provide the basis for refreshing icy cold or hot drinks throughout spring, summer, and autumn.  I am speaking of applemint, lemon balm, and lemon verbena.  The other day I made a cup of lemon balm tea with a slice of lemon to give it bite.  Try it. 

Lemon balm tea with a slice of fresh lemon

Just cut off stems of the above mentioned herbs to a leaf joint, wash in cold water, put the leaves in a jug, pour over boiling water, leave a few minutes, remove the leaves, and the liquid is ready to drink.  I like to mix Lemon Balm with Lemon Verbena as the Verbena has an even strong lemon kick.  My lemon verbena is growing at the moment but not yet ready for picking. 

By the way, the lemon balm can get quick big and I grow mine in a large tub.  I've been enjoying the produce of the same plants for several years now. 

Recently I bought a creeping lemon thyme and I shall experiment with that in my tea as well.