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Thursday 30 April 2015


It's just over a year since I first planted a relatively small Saxifraga Touran Large White in my garden, and look at it now.  My little Saxifraga, which came in a small pot and cost just a pound or two to buy, has now quadrupled its size in my garden border and so, with that in mind, it was quite a bargain.  They are great for ground cover and the front of borders or in rockeries.

Saxifraga Touran Large White - April 2015

Saxifragas, however, have a tendency to become bare in the middle of the plant as they spread out but you can take pieces of the plant that have put down roots and plant them in the same place or elsewhere.  When allowed to go bare in the middle, they look ugly.  Watch out for slugs.  When I was taking a macro photograph of the flowers a little earlier in the year, I noticed that many of the lovely white petals had been chewed off.  Obviously they are a slug's delight as well as mine.  I put down environmentally friendly (but not slug friendly) pellets.  Problem solved. 

Saxifraga touran Large White - April 2014