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Tuesday 5 August 2014


Last June I bought a hosta, hosta 'Brim Cup' which I planted into a terracotta pot, which is standing on terracotta feet, and the surface of the soil is covered in a sharp alpine grit.  I haven't had any problems with slugs but I have had the most amazing flowers coming from that green and cream-leaved hosta.  The flowers on the more recently acquired larger hosta 'Patriot' have been equally as pretty and, more or less, the same colour although the spikes were much taller.

Hosta Brimcup flowers

I imagine many people simply think of hostas, they think of them only to be grown for the sake of their attractive leaves (at least lovely when unmarred by slugs) but they do push up beautiful flowers which last quite a while. 

Hosta 'Brim Cup' in a large terracotta pot with sharp grit around the plant

Reproductive organs inside the flower of Hosta 'Brim Cup' - Macro


Reproductive organs inside the flower of Hosta 'Brim Cup' - Macro