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Tuesday 15 July 2014


As a relative newcomer to macro-photography and to using a new camera, I am like a child with a new toy at Christmas.  It's frustrating though because I want to know all I need to know right now and all I really know is that it is going to take a lot of time and considerable effort on my part to get to anywhere near the standard of photographs I want to take.  As well as the Canon EOS 6D and the 100mm macro lens, I've bought a 24-105mm lens as more of an all-round lens.  In other words, I want to be able to take photographs of everything that catch my eye.  There is nothing better than a camera lens to capture a memory.  Throughout this blog I have posted photographs of flowers that are long gone, not to mention several plants that are long gone.  Gone but not forgotten.  This photograph of the developing buds on Lonicera periclymenum 'Scentsation' is pleasing although not perfect.  The honeysuckle has been in flower for many weeks and is full of yellow blooms as I type but it was only when I examined the climber under the magnifying macro lens that I realised what I am missing.

(c) Valerie James - Lonicera periclymenum 'Scentsation' buds

Who would have thought that a climber with such yellow flowers would have buds of a vibrant magenta.  Look at all the tiny hairs on the buds and leaves, each one ending in a bright little point of light.  So beautiful.