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Wednesday, 29 April 2020


After a week or so of sunshine we now have some welcome rain. I'm hoping that it will brighten up again very soon because here in the UK we are still in a state of Covid-19 lock down and I like to get out into the garden. I took some photos yesterday of my plants and one that is particularly wonderful right now is the Exochorda macrantha 'The Bride'.

Exochorda macrantha 'The Bride' aka Pearl Bush

I bought it on a whim; a must have but, when I have looked at images of the mature shrub online, it can get much bigger than I would hope for. I would say it has doubled its size in a year and for now I am keeping it under control in the same pot.  It's a little dazzler though. The trouble is, its branches are longer than the depth of the pot so I am having to elevate it by standing the pot on an upturned pot.

Exochorda macrantha 'The Bride' aka Pearl Bush (end April 2020)

Exochorda macrantha 'The Bride' aka Pearl Bush (3 May 2019)

Exochorda macrantha 'The Bride' aka Pearl Bush