It's a funny thing that I have lots of plants at the front of my home but the one that always gets commented on is Lithodora diffusa. Actually, I have two and they are both extremely floriferous and, believe it or not here on the Pennines of West Yorkshire, I often see flowers on them, just a few, during winter. They are, I suppose, after all, said to be alpines. Recently, two friends of mine have bought Lithodora diffusa after seeing mine in full display. Can you blame them?
Lithodora diffusa 'Heavenly Blue' |
Lithodora is small, shrubby, and has a tendency to spread out without being invasive; it spreads out from a central stem.
Lithodora diffusa 'Heavenly Blue' |
The label says that Lithodora diffusa enjoys sun or partial shade. It is good for ground cover and achieves a height of 10cm (4in). It blooms June to July and is suitable for rockeries.