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Monday, 11 June 2018


I watched the British gardening programme, Gardener's World, the other day and one of the presenters, Carol Klein, mentioned that blue flowers are much rarer than other colours.  I think she said that only about 10% of flowers are blue.  Now I am wondering if that includes flowers which are not a true blue but are a little on the purple or mauve side.  Anyway, I realised that I have quite a number of blue-flowering plants in my garden and an even greater number of purpley-blue flowers.  I think that I tend to steer towards that colour, and whites, and maybe that's because I am Piscean, if you can believe that kind of stuff.  Anyway, here are some of the blue flowers that I grow, or have grown (and died on me), or seen elsewhere and photographed. 

Jasione laevis 'Blue Light'

Lithodora diffusa 'Heavenly Blue'

Lithodora diffusa 'Heavenly Blue'

Gentiana pneumonanthe

Veronica gentianoides (a very pale blue flower)

Scilla siverica 'Spring Beauty'

Ipheion Uniflorum 'Rolph Fiedler'

There are also many plants which named as being blue, or listed as blue, which to me are not a true blue but lean towards purple or mauve.