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Thursday, 3 May 2018


I so loved the 'Skippy' Sky Blue violas that I planted at the edge of my garden borders the other day that I bought another colour that I thought would go along with it quite nicely: Viola wittrockiana 'Blue Blotch'.  They were in a sale at a garden centre and I thought I would give them a home. 

Viola wittrockiana Blue Blotch

I got a nice surprise the other day.  Do you ever tip spent compost onto your garden borders only to discover later on that you have inadvertently sown something?   I do it all the time.  This year, up came one solitary tulip.  I never even noticed it until it burst into colour.  Now, I thought I had discarded all my old tulips some time ago (they weren't doing well after a couple of years) but one bulb must have remained in the old compost.  Anyway, the tulip 'Orange Emperor' is a survivor and the colour looks really lovely with the blue of the violas.   

Tulip 'Orange Emperor' 2018

This autumn I must buy more tulip bulbs. 

Tulip 'Orange Emperor' 2012

Today, while delving into the garden storage box I discovered a box of lawn seed with some seed in it, so I sprinkled the seeds onto my lawn and watered it in. Doing this encourages a thicker lawn.  I also found an unopened bag of Gromore, so that went onto the garden borders, and was watered in.  And I planted more alpine strawberries but I want to mention more of that in a separate post.