It's been a couple of weeks since I last posted. I've been kind of hibernating. It has been freezing, and or snowing, or raining, or blowing a gale,or all the lot at once, and I have fed the birds and otherwise kept myself indoors. It's movie and book time. The
garden Room (I call it simply the 'Room') has been too cool or cold for me. Outside right now is white with snow with more forecast to come. One thing I did notice the other day when opening the front door for the postman is that one of the little alpines at the front of my home is in flower:
Lithodora diffusa, 'Heavenly Blue'. It is dotted with pretty little blue flowers. How lovely. I mean, even the snowdrops haven't made an appearance yet. The below photo was taken during summer 2017, but believe me when I say there are plenty of flowers on it still.
And my cat Alfie is refusing to go out even though I see other cats out and about in the weather. I wonder if their owners kick them out.
Alfie, the resident Ragdoll Cat, prefers sunshine. So do I!
Here he is looking out from the garden Room in summer. |