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Monday, 13 November 2017


I was mooching around Skipton in North Yorkshire today with a friend.  It was bitterly cold and much of the time we were indoors having warming coffee and fruit-bread toast.  We looked around charity shops, and inside a sheltered arcade. It was there where I discovered a small stall that I had never seen before, where various kinds of wood carvings were being sold.  I had to have this one, this interesting face of wood which looks like a Sikh to me with his moustache, beard, and turban.  I thought at first that it must be resin but no, it's carved from a big branch of wood.  Inexpensive too. 

Tree Man (Sikh) wood carving

I was told that although the outer surface was varnished that the rough other side was not and that it must not be varnished as the wood must be allowed to breathe.  This was information for external use but my tree Sikh will sit (or hang, there is a loop at the back) quite happily and protected within the safety of my garden room

Tree Man (Sikh) wood carving