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Tuesday, 18 August 2015


I bought this delightful Gentian, Gentiana pneumonanthe, the other day and was waiting for the buds to open so I could photograph them.  The blue of the flowers is really eye-catching and the plant was once used in the manufacture of blue dye.

Gentiana pneumonanthe a.k.a. Marsh Gentian

The label that came with it gives little information but it does say that Gentiana pneumonanthe tolerates sun or partial shade, achieves a height of 20cm. 

Gentiana pneumonanthe a.k.a. Marsh Gentian

It's a rather upright plant, very neat, with small leaves.  The plant grower has packed the top of the pot with moss which indicates that this plant likes moisture and, if that isn't a give away, then the common name of Marsh Gentian should do it.  I propose to plant mine on the shadier side of the garden where the soil is generally damper.  It has not been planted yet as I am considering repositioning a number of my perennials this autumn and will plant this at that time. 

Gentiana pneumonanthe

aka Marsh Gentian