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Tuesday, 18 August 2015


Last year I grew Swingtime and Southgate trailing fuchsias in four hanging baskets at the back of my home and, after overwintering the fuchsias in my mini-greenhouse, they nearly all survived.  I bought one or two replacements and then repotted the fuchsias back into their baskets again this spring.  It's been a long time coming, the fuchsias producing a fabulous display, but they got there.  In the image below, you can only see the Swingtime fuchsias but the Southgate ones are there in plenty.

Swingtime trailing fuchsias in hanging baskets

This spring and summer has, despite some days of sunshine, been quite bad for growing many things in my garden.  The tomato plants are producing red fruit but I am wondering if this awful weather continues if many of those that are green will ever get chance to ripen.   As I type, it is pouring down but we have had a very red sky this evening and you know what they say, 'Red at night, shepherd's delight'.  I'm hopeful for a sunny day in the garden tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.