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Friday, 5 June 2015


I planted Helianthemum 'The Bride' in a south-facing, narrow border last spring and this year it is full of white flowers with yellow centres.   I am a little disappointed with the way it has grown, though, which is rather straggly but I planted it as ground cover and it is doing just that.  The flowers, which are about 2cm dia. reminded me of little poached eggs. 

Helianthemum 'The Bride'

It is full of buds right now, as well as open flowers.  When it's done flowering, I am going to cut the plant back quite hard in the hope of making it bushier.  It could be my fault that it is rather leggy because I didn't cut it back last year.  We'll see. 

The labels says that Helianthemum 'The Bride' is an evergreen mat-forming perennial producing masses of white flowers with a yellow centre over light green foliage.  It is suitable for rockeries, borders, walls, banks, paving, gravel gardens, and containers and pots.  It flowers from late spring to early summer; achieves a height of 25cm (10") and a spread of 40cm (16").  It enjoys full sun or partial shade in a well draining soil.