I've been growing the same loganberry plant for several years now and the poor thing has been planted, transplanted and, really, kicked around since I bought it. It is now growing in the same place that I planted it originally years ago, in the 90 degree angle between two wooden fences, until I decided to grow a rose there which became disease riddled, and so out that came. The loganberry, clearly, is not a plant to bear grudges. It still bears flowers, and it still bears fruit - although not so successfully last year as I might have hoped, and it still survives in a surprisingly trouble free way. No disease, no pests, no nothing. So far. This year, however, it has pushed up some really powerful stems, the like of which it has never produced before. Some stems are as thick as my fingers, which are not particularly thick, but you know what I mean. At first I thought they were raspberry canes from Glen Doll and Glen Ample which have been planted in the same area. The loganberry is telling me 'I like it here, so leave me alone'. I should listen.
Loganberry flower and bud |
Loganberry stem |
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Loganberries (the darker red ones) with raspberries |