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Wednesday 15 April 2015


Lavendula stoechas is also known as the French or Spanish lavendar.  Blue Star is a colour that I'm not familiar with but when I checked it out on the net it looks to be a lovely, deep purple colour.  I've tried to grow lavenders other than English before but without success; they have succumbed to the harsh winters we can have here on the Pennine Mountains of West Yorkshire.  I wanted to give this one a go though and I shall grow it in a pot, rather than plant it in a border.  That way I can protect it in winter.  I hope.

Lavendula stoechas 'Blue Star'

Actually, the colour of the flowers on the label look rather more pink than the image I discovered on the net.  I cannot take much notice of that.  As any gardener knows, labels are often deceiving. 

The label says that this is easy to grow, great for containers, has a dense bushy habit, has deep purple flowers, is attractive to wildlife, and the flowers (which are produced from summer to early autumn) can be added to soup.  It achieves a height of about 60cm (24in).  Sounds great, apart from the putting the flowers in soup bit. 

The label also says that it needs protection in winter - just as I thought! - and should be pruned annually after flowering.  If it is like other lavenders, I believe you should not cut so hard that you cut back into old wood when pruning.