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Wednesday 15 April 2015


Italian parsley (Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum) is a biennial and I cannot remember if the one I have just overwintered in the mini-greenhouse is in its third year or not.  Certainly it bolted and flowered last year (the flowers were beautiful).  A biennial is supposed to grow leaves, stems and roots from seeds one year, flower the next, and then done.  Anyway, the one that I overwintered in the mini-greenhouse is looking pretty good and green so far with a lot going on.  Even so, when I was wandering around the garden centre yesterday, trying to not buy absolutely everything that I set my eyes on, I decided to bring home another Italian parsley, just in case.  Can't have too much of the stuff really as it's really useful in the kitchen and is packed with vitamins.  I love it in green salads.

Italian Parsley

Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum

The label says that the Italian parsley is an easy to grow variety with upright growth.  A hardy biennial, it grows to 60cm (24in) tall.  It can be grown in sun or partial shade in a rich, well-drained, soil.  Mine will be planted in potting compost, in a pot. 

Italian Parsley flowers - macro photo