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Sunday 18 January 2015


In the winter of 2013/2014 we were spared snow here on the Pennine Mountains of West Yorkshire, apart from a slight flurry which came and went with the blink of an eye.  But not this year.  This is our second good coating of snow this year.  Although I love the sight of it, I don't like the chaos it can cause on the roads, and so I stay in.  My garden today is covered in white and the sun keeps coming out and melting it a little, then more snow falls, and it melts a little more, then night time comes, the temperature drops, and the snow stays put. 

Snow in my garden, 18 Jan, 2015

It's better, of course, than the horrendous gale force winds we've been having on and off for some weeks now.  Thankfully, so far, my fences have remained in place and upright.  I keep feeding the birds.  My cat, Alfie, keeps watching them through the kitchen window because there is little else to do for a cat who refuses to play and is as fussy about the weather as his food.  He doesn't like it too wet, or too cold, or too snowy, or too windy, or too hot.  It has to be Goldilocks weather and, actually, that's the kind of weather I like too. 

Roll on spring.   The early spring bulbs in my troughs and pots are poking through the soil now and I'm so looking forward to seeing them and the rest of my garden in flower again.

Snow or not, it's been a lovely day.  Not too chilly as the wind is light today.  The sky is blue and the sun was very bright early this morning.  I took a photograph mid morning of neighbouring trees, with the sun low in the blue sky.  The photo came out decidedly different to what I was looking at.  The camera lens obviously shut down due to the brightness.

Morning sunshine through winter trees

It looks as if it is time to be thinking of replacing my (cheap) washing line.  I took a macro photo of the melting snow on it this morning, and the camera lens revealed that the core of the clear plastic covered line is going rusty. 

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