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Tuesday 16 December 2014


Nothing much of interest is happening in my garden now that winter is here.  There is the occasional shabby rose opening from a ragged rosebud, and a few penstemon flowers are still looking nice, but the cold and wet weather has given everything a miserable cast and I have to admit that I am not a winter gardener.  What interests me now is the birds and I get so much pleasure watching them arriving in my garden despite costing me a small fortune in bird seed.  Unfortunately, I cannot get great photos of them because I have to take them through the kitchen window, or they fly away the minute I open the door.  And, invariably, I have the wrong lens on my camera.  If I go and change it, by the time I get back the birds have flown.  I really ought to get out of the habit of leaving my macro lens on, at least for now. 

Goldfinches having a feast

Goldfinch checking me out

A Chaffinch waits in the wings while the greedy sparrows fill their bellies.