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Sunday 2 November 2014


I don't know whether I have mentioned this before, I think I have, that last year I grew two trailing pelargoniums on either side of my front door, in small wrought-iron corner baskets.  They did ok but I thought they had died over winter.  When I removed the baskets this spring with the intention of replanting them, I found that the poor little pelargoniums were struggling to get a grip on life.  I empathised!  I replaced the compost and replanted the plants which were mostly woody with the tiniest amounts of green showing.  Happily, they both survived and were doing very well except that yours truly, I, went and snapped the trailer part off one of them the other week while watering it.  It still has leaves, and again has survived, but there are no flowers.  On the other side of the door, its fellow pelargonium has produced lovely red blooms. 

Red trailing pelargonium, grow in a corner basket

I think, for the amount of flowers produced by them it was hardly worth the bother and would I do it again?  Sure I would.  If something struggles so hard to live, who am I to deprive it of the chance of survival?  

I'm not usually so soft with plants, believe me.