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Saturday 30 August 2014


It's time that I did something with the Lonicera periclymenum 'Scentsation' (honeysuckle) that is growing against my north-facing fence.  It had reached the top some time ago and had been busy building a kind of tangled bird's nest.  The flowers were prolific and glorious as the growth started to become heavy and tumble over the top of the trellis for my neighbours to admire, but it desperately needed reining in.  Today, this afternoon, was the time.  I look like I've been attacked by a tiger as the climbing roses New Dawn and Wild Eve had grown through it but, no matter, I love to see the roses with the honeysuckle.  I know what you are thinking but I never, ever, wear gloves in the garden and I never have, and probably never shall.  I find they cause more problems than they solve.  Anyway, as they say in Yorkshire (and possibly elsewhere), the job's a good un' and it won't need doing again for a couple of years or so.   

Lonicera periclymenum 'Scentsation' buds against the sky

An older garden photo (2013?) with the honeysuckle already at the top of the fence. 

The next job is the neighbouring jasmine officinale which needs doing now so that it can make new growth to flower next year.  But not today; the roses are growing through that too.