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Saturday 30 August 2014


I always thought that flat leafed parsley was not very hardy and so during the last winter I over-wintered the parsley in a pot in my mini-greenhouse, along with all my other herbs.  It survived very well.  It's grown quite big after being repotted into a larger pot in fresh compost and placed on a sunny spot on the patio throughout this late spring and summer.  Parsley is, as far as I know, a biennial that is often grown as an annual.  For some reason though, I haven't used it in my cooking this year so I decided to let it flower and go to seed.  The flowers, though tiny, are really pretty, and it has been flowering for weeks.  Each individual flower is only 2-3mm in diameter.  It's been a joy watching the pollinating insects visiting them. 

Flat leafed parsley flowers (macro photography)

Perhaps I should try and collect some seed for sewing next spring.  I suspect the plant might die this winter. 

Flat leafed parsley flowers (macro photography)