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Sunday 17 August 2014


Like many people, I suppose, I used to wonder if Robins moulted and lost their red breasts during summer months, replacing the feathers with brown because, for a long time, I could not recall ever having seen a red-breasted Robin except during winter.   Since I moved to the place where I now live, I have occasionally seen Robins all year around, sporting their bright red breasts.  Just lately, I have seen Robins, or a Robin, quite often.  It is difficult to identify the males from the females.  This one arrived this morning to feed off the mixed bird seed hanging on the bird-feeding-station.  It seemed as inquisitive about me as I was of it. 

Robin in August

Today the weather is relatively dry, after rain during the night, but the wind is quite fierce.  I was taking the image from indoors and I went and bumped the camera lens against the kitchen window, trying to get as close a shot as I could with my 24-105mm lens, and off it flew.

Robin in August eating from the seed feeder

I'm hoping to be able to take some photographs of flowers, including macros, if ever the weather calms down enough, and if the flowers and insects haven't all blown over the fence and down the road.