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Monday 21 July 2014


I should have known better, of course, after all the years that I have been gardening, than to stake my plants after they get tall and start falling over.  My excuse is that my mixed border is relatively new.  After trying to create a rose garden and getting tired of having to spray and deal with thousands of aphids and diseases like rust, blackspot, and mildew, and getting skewered while in the process of doing so, I dug up most of my roses and planted the border anew.  So, I was not quite sure how certain plants would really grow (the labels can often be deceiving) and was not expecting the Malva moschata Rosea to get quite so big, or the Penstemons quite so tall.  The tall stems of the elegant Geum 'Lady Stratheden' (a relatively low-growing plant except for the flower stems) which is planted at the edge of a border on a corner by the path, trips me up every time I go past and it should have been obvious that the campanulas with their heavily bell flowers would need some help.  Here I am going to make a list of reminders for future use.  It will be added to as and when.

Geum 'Lady Stratheden'

Plants to be staked early spring - so far

Campanula Medium 'White'

Campanula persicifolia 'Telham Beauty'

Campanula 'Punctata'

Geum 'Lady Stratheden'

Malva 'Alba'

Malva moschata 'Rosea'

Penstemon 'Pensham Plum Jerkum'

Senecio polyodon