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Thursday 29 May 2014


It seems to have done nothing but rain for the last few days and I worry that my plants are going to suffer if this continues.  We need sunshine.  Certainly the cherry tree does as the green fruit seems to have stopped growing.  Even so, despite the miserable weather, my garden seems to be alive with wildlife.  I've never seen so many birds arrive at one time, vying for the seed hanging from the bird station.  It's a wonderful sight.  An even better sight, something I have not seen in my garden before, was two squirrels interacting.  I thought they might be going to fight but, no, it looks as though they were simply sharing patrol duty.  They say two pair of eyes are better than one.

Two squirrels on my fence - 29 May 2014

Two squirrels on my fence - 29 May 2014