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Thursday 3 April 2014


As I am changing my garden border from rose to a herbaceous perennial border, I don't want to be inflexible in my choice of plants.  I will also grow very small shrubs and bulbs etc, .  I don't want anything that is invasive, that grows too tall, is temperamental, and most of all I want plants that are pretty to look at.  When I was scouting around the RHS garden centre at Harlow Carr I found a Vinca minor that is similar to one I grew years ago in a much bigger garden.  However, this one has the most beautiful, big purple flowers. 

Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea'

Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea'

If I remember rightly, I used to grow a type of Vinca minor at the top of a dry stone wall so that it could cascade down but this plant is also good for ground cover.  I don't see why it couldn't also be grown in a hanging basket.

The label for Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea' says:

Form of Lesser Periwinkle.  A hardy and trailing evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves producing masses of deep purple, five petalled flowers continuously from April to June. 

Position and use:  Any good well-drained soil in full sun or shade.  This easy-to-grow garden favourite forms an extensive carpet and is excellent ground cover.  Size: 10cm x 1.2m (4" x 4ft)

Planting and care:  Water thoroughly in the pot before planting.  Plant in soil mixed with an organic improver and suitable fertilizer.  Water well in dry spells during the first year.