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Tuesday 29 April 2014


After buying my little Zanthoxylum piperitum last week, I've developed a bad case of the bonsai bug.  Although I've only just received and not yet completely read The Complete Book of Bonsai by Harry Tomlinson (second hand from Amazon UK) I am raring to go which is a bit of a mistake with bonsai because, I think, patience really is the thing.  Yesterday, I visited a very large and fairly local garden centre and a stand of colourful Japanese maples caught my attention.  The bigger maples are far too expensive for a novice like me to risk bonsaiing to death but all was not lost; they had some little ones for only a few pounds: the dwarf Acer palmatum 'Beni Maiko'.  The colours of the leaves and stems are so vibrant.  They are said to turn green in summer but then bright red in autumn. 

Beni Maiko grows to about the same height and spread, perhaps just a little smaller, as Acer palmatum dissectum 'Ornatum' which I bought the other day.  I need to try and protect it from scorching wind but it will tolerate partial shade or sun, apparently.  It got knocked about a little bit at the garden centre and long roots were hanging out of the bottom of the pot.  I repotted it, disturbing the roots as little as possible, in MiracleGro All Purpose.  I know a lot of websites recommend using John Innes but the truth of the matter is that the bags are so heavy, I cannot handle them.  I occasionally, only very occasionally, mix loamy garden soil with MiracleGro. 

Little Acer palmatum 'Beni Maiko' in front of

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Ornatum'

Complete Book of Bonsai by Harry Tomlinson (Amazon link).