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Sunday 23 March 2014


About this time of year, every year, new neighbours arrive near my home.  They seem to have no manners and wake me up early every morning with their racket.  No, they are not drunken holiday-makers coming home after a fun night out, they are Canadian Geese.   I thought they were Mallard ducks for a time but their necks are too long.  Two arrived this morning and it was delightful watching them swimming on the dam, diving under the water and bobbing back up again and shaking themselves, having their early morning bathe.  I do wish though that they could learn to arrive more silently.  6 a.m. is a little early for me.  I would have liked to have taken my own photograph but the birds are too far away for my mobile phone camera to deal with. 

(c) Gillian Day (with her kind permission).  Yorkshire Wildlife Trust:

While on the subject of wildlife, I had another visitor the day before yesterday.  A squirrel.  Squirrels are nothing new to my garden as regular readers will know and they often raid the complete bird feeding station at the top of my garden, but this one headed straight for my house, perched on top of the fence and sat there for an age, staring in.  Of course, within seconds of my getting my 'camera', it decided to leave!  Anyway, here are the photos.