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Sunday, 5 May 2019


Although I prefer the scent of Narcissus 'Baby Doll' to 'Silver Chimes', you cannot beat the latter for profusion of narcissi flowers on one stem.  I've counted six but I read that there can be ten.  They are a pretty, white, delicate-looking 'triandus' narcissi.  I only planted 5 bulbs you wouldn't know that from the number of flowers being produced without close inspection. 

Narcissus 'Silver Chimes'

Silver Chimes attracted my attention when it was first in bud.  I had no idea what to expect.  I mean, I buy bulbs one year, stick them in a pot, and by the spring I've forgotten which is which.  Saving the packaging comes in handy!

Narcissus 'Silver Chimes' in bud

Apparently, 'triandus' means that they are originally a species from Spain, France and Portugal. 

The label has this to say: Narcissi 'Silver Chimes' are a species narcissus, fragrant and multi-headed, which flower from March to April, with a height of 30cm (12").  They like well-drained bu moist, humus-rich soil in sun or partial shade.  Avoid very dry areas such as under conifers.  They can be left undisturbed for years although, should they become overcrowded, once the leaves have withered they should be lifted, divided, and replanted immediately.  Expert tip says they are great for naturalising in woodland or lawns.  Plant them 10cm (4") apart and 10cm (4") deep.

I always dead-head my narcissi (not letting energy go into seed production), leaving the green leaves to feed the bulbs as they die down. 

Have you ever noticed how pretty daffodils/narcissi are from behind and from the side?  I like that silky-looking part (the spathe) just under the flower heads.

Rear view of daffodils / narcissi

Side view of daffodils / narcissi