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Friday, 3 May 2019


The James Grieve apple tree that I grow in my garden gives me endless pleasure from spring to autumn because in spring it is full of pink apple blossom and then the fruit begins to appear throughout summer with a harvest late August/early September.  At the moment, the little tree, less than 6ft (180cm) high is loaded with flowers and if no gales arrive and blast them off and they are allowed to form fruit, then I could be blessed with a nice crop of apples again this year. 

James Grieve apple blossom - May 2019

The James Grieve apple tastes like nothing I have ever bought in a shop.  They are crisp, juicy, a little tangy (which makes them good as a dessert or cooking apple) and the skin is firm but not that horrible waxy tough stuff you get on shop bought apples.  If you don't grow your own apples, you should.  They come in all shapes and sizes, even low enough to step over, so there are endless possibilities.

James Grieve apple on dwarf apple tree

My apple tree was bought as a Coronet Family Apple tree with Cox's and James Grieve apples growing on one tree.  However, the Cox's part of the tree gave me problems and I had to remedy it with radical pruning.  No matter, the energy has all gone into the James Grieve apples and I have no regrets about it at all. 

James Grieve apple tree - May 2016