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Friday, 19 April 2019


Wow!  I got a surprise today when I was pottering in the garden.  It's glorious weather for Good Friday with the temperature here on the Pennines of West Yorkshire in the 20s.  I was watering and feeding plants growing in containers when I was hit by a glorious fragrance. I'm looking around, wondering where it was coming from, thinking it was from outside my garden, and realised it was right under my nose!  It was some of the narcissus which I bought and planted last year and which I am growing in a free-standing trough: Narcissus 'Geranium' is highly fragrant.

Narcissus 'Geranium' - highly scented

The fragrance of narcissus Geranium reminds me of lilacs, or violas, or even hyacinth.  The perfume is sweet and heady.  Next year I shall plant them where the fragrance can be appreciated more than in a trough in front of the raspberry canes.  Additionally, narcissus Geranium is multi-flowered and I have counted between two and four flowers, mostly four, on each strong stem.  In the image above, you can see four. It's a really striking plant.  I strongly recommend them. 

The flowers are on strong stems about 14" (35cm) high.  According to the Royal Horticultural Society they tolerate sun or partial shade.  They are not fussy about soil but need it to be moist and well-drained.  Plant the bulbs about twice the size of the bulb deep.