While at the RHS garden centre in Harlow Carr last week, I took a few photographs of plants in autumn colour. This Hamamelis (Witch Hazel), was one of them. There are several varieties of Hamamelis and the RHS has once again failed to have a plant clearly identified. It was the same problem with the Acer palmatum dissectum which I shared in my previous post, and an indoor fern which I bought some time ago and which I believe is Pteris fauriei. The RHS reason given to me is that that is how the growers label and supply them. For the Royal Horticultural Society to sell plants which are not clearly identified for their customers and members is not only surprising but their reason for doing so is rather lame. They could tell their suppliers to label identify the plants fully. Anyway, this Hamamelis is a stunner. It is possible the one called Hamamelis intermedia 'Orange Peel', but don't take my word for it.