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Wednesday, 4 July 2018


I strongly believe (although I cannot know for certain) that the very reason birds do not attack or eat my raspberries, and never have, is simply because I have a bird feeding station within a few feet of the raspberry canes.   The birds and squirrels seem happier with seeds and the fat therein and, thus, leave my fruit alone.  Funny though that I don't even get bugs in my raspberries.  They are grown without chemical spraying, not even when raspberry rust disease affects them now and then, and I do not cover them with netting to keep the birds off. 

Polka raspberries fat and juicy July 2018

For one thing, the netting is a nuisance if you are wanting to pick raspberries every day.  Have to say that the birds are very polite; they don't poop on my fruit either. 

So, if you are having problems with birds attacking your fruit or crops, you might like to try just feeding them with something they prefer.  It's just a thought.

I get a lot of birds every single day visiting my garden, all different kinds of birds, and I feed my wild friends (birds and squirrels), all year around with good quality seeds, especially sunflower seeds. Sadly, I also seem to provide food for slugs, snails, and aphids but not by choice!  Thank goodness slugs don't attack my raspberries!