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Friday, 22 June 2018


I seem to have developed a 'thing' about solar lights recently and the other day I saw another, on offer, in a garden centre.  So I bought it.  As it turns out, it was actually much cheaper on Amazon UK!  Although the idea of the night light is nice, it has been designed with no regard, it seems, for balance; no effective counterweight.  It is top heavy and tends to tilt over or fall over which, considering the flowers are glass, isn't great.  It also feels like the long, thin metal 'stem' of the bluebell might bend under the pressure when trying to push the prongs into hard ground, and if the ground is soft then the prongs cannot get a grip, so to speak. 

Bluebell solar light in daytime

Even so, despite having to secure it in place with a terracotta pot, it's quite pretty.  I am sure there are other bluebell design solar lights on the market but this one is made by Gardman and is part of their Cole & Bright collection.  The top heaviness comes in the quality and weight of the glass flowers. 

I moved the light into another area of the garden where the ground is softer and attempted to anchor the base of the light with a heavy flat stone.  I took the below photograph of the solar bluebells when it was quite dark outside.  I used a camera (Canon EOS 6D) which will take photographs without a flash in very low light.  As you and I can see, the solar light has started to tilt over despite the 'anchor'.  Even so, I do think it looks pretty at night but be aware that it gives very little brightness when compared to my other solar lights

Gardman 'Cole & Bright' bluebells solar light in the dark